2 Steps to Get out of your Rut at Work and Get Happy
We all spend a large part of our life at work. Work can influence all aspects of our happiness as a result. So, it is important to ensure that our job is not making us miserable. How do we ensure happiness at work? According to a happiness expert from CNBC, there are two steps to follow:

1) Reflect
“Once you understand you aren't happy at work, the first thing McKee recommends that you do is carve out some time for deep reflection and introspection. Ask yourself, What is causing me to feel sad or unhappy at work?" says the CNBC article.
Reflecting on the cause of unhappiness will allow you to plan actions to take to remedy the situation. Be honest with yourself and refrain from judging yourself. The best way to tackle a problem is with sincerity. Take what you can from the problem and figure out an action plan to fix it,
2) Find a friend
Says CNBC:
“Your friend can help you decide if you seem to fit in with your current workplace or if the job is not the right fit for you.
"Talking with a friend as if they were your [career] coach could also help you see your attitude about work from a different perspective," McKee says. "And be open to all possibilities. Maybe you need to change your mindset, maybe you need to change what you do on a daily basis"
Not only can the friend be someone you bounce ideas off of, but they can also contribute to happiness. People are social creatures, and having someone you can trust and relate to at work will help you feel more valued in the workplace. Get out there! Strike up a convo with your cubicle mate and make a friend. Watch your situation change for the better as a result J