Dealing with Divorce
The saying “all good things must come to an end” provides little comfort for someone facing the breakup of a long-term relationship or divorce. Divorce can be one of the most stressful and gruelling situations to find yourself in. “When a relationship fails, we experience profound disappointment, stress, and grief.” ( Regardless of the reasoning for the split or what side of the breakup you are on, the termination of a relationship can trigger all sorts of unsettling emotions. There are some steps you can take to cope with this difficult time and make the process a little but easier.
Allow Yourself to Grieve the Loss
Multiple losses can be associated with a divorce, including (but not limited to) the loss of companionship, the loss of routine and the loss of dreams. It is important to accept your feelings of loss as normal and warranted. Eventually, the sadness will lift. Remind yourself that you still have a future and your own personal dreams to accomplish
Reach Out to Others
“Support from others is critical to healing after a breakup or divorce. You might feel like being alone but isolating yourself will only make this time more difficult. Don’t try to get through this on your own.”
Old friends and new friends alike can help you get over the pain of a breakup. Distract yourself from the situation and create new memories with people who care for you. Don’t be afraid to reach out to a counsellor for additional support if needed.
Throw yourself into activities you may have been neglecting because of the relationship. Take up that new hobby you’ve always wanted to try and don’t let your memories with your ex stop you from participating in activities you enjoy. Give yourself a new routine to create a “new normal” and sense of purpose based on what your self-reflecting suggests is best for you.
To ease the legal stress of the breakup, try our mediation services. Having a mediator that is unbiased and is there to collaboratively assist both parties in reaching a fair agreement, allows for quicker resolution time through effective communication, and lowers the cost of lawyer fees by keeping meetings productive.