Ways to be Considerate
One of the bet ways to manage a conflict is to be considerate of the other people involved. This includes empathising with their struggles and allowing them to express their pain without resorting to judgement or causing them more distress. Of course, handling a conflict in a calm manner can challenging.

Recently, Dr Travis Bradbury outlines eight habits of considerate people in an article. To get better at managing conflict, consider adopting these strategies into your daily life:
Show up on time. Showing up to appointments and meetings in a timely fashion demonstrates that you have respect for the other person. Of course, things happen sometimes. But in general, it is important to be considerate of the value of others time and be there when they expect you to be.
Be deliberately empathetic. “ It’s one thing to feel empathy for other people, but putting that feeling into action is another matter entirely” says Dr Bradbury. When you recognize a struggle someone is dealing with, consider adapting your behaviour to meet his or her needs. Do what you can to make their day run more smoothly.
Dr Bradbury summarizes his next suggestion nicely:
“Apologize when you need to (and don’t when you don’t). We all know people who are so insecure or so afraid of offending someone that they practically apologize for breathing. In such situations, apologizing loses its meaning. But it’s a different matter entirely when a sincere apology is really necessary. When you’ve made a mistake, or even think you’ve made a mistake, apologizing is a crucial part of being considerate.”
Smile. A smile can brighten someone’s day. It gives them a feeling of value and respect and unconsciously elevates a person’s mood. Smile at others and bring joy to their lives and your own.
Mind your manners. Again, be considerate by demonstrating respect to your fellow person. Say please and thank you, but further than that; be pleasant simply to be pleasant. This allows positive relationships to flourish.
Be emotionally intelligent. Do not allow your feelings and emotions to dictate your behaviour in unhelpful ways. Maybe you are stressed about a deadline. Acknowledge your stress but do not let it stop you from being that you truly are: a capable, string, pleasant individual. This is a skill that takes practice to develop, but being mindful is the first step.
Compromise, when appropriate. “ If you want to be more considerate, stop thinking of every interaction with others as a win/lose scenario” suggests Dr Bradbury.
Lastly, “Act on your intuition when it comes to other people’s needs. Sometimes you can just tell when someone is upset or having a bad day. In such cases, being considerate means checking in with them to see if your intuition is correct. If your intuition is telling you to reach out—do it; they’ll appreciate your concern.” This will be the final piece, which ties in all the other skills. Intuition allows you to reach out to others and help them as you see fit.
Watch your quality of personal and professional life grow through being more considerate with Not only will you bring more joy to their lives, but also joy to your own.