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Top Interview Tips for Interviewers

Interviewing as a candidate for a job is no small feat! Many of us know the importance of dressing well, reading up on our potential new employer and using body language to display our interest in the opportunity. But for the person conducting the interview itself, how can the best candidate be recognized?

Here at CCM, we can offer you some advice and tips for interviewers in picking the one:

1) Body Language

Just as candidates are reminded to be conscious of their body language t appear interested and open, interviewers must do the same. Have you ever had a conversation with someone who seemed distracted, sat away from you or crossed their arms? These can be off-putting for the interviewee and make them negatively see the company. Be open, smiley, offer a firm handshake and maintain eye contact. This shows the interviewee respect and that your are happy to meet them. “[Positive body language] can portray credibility and trustworthiness from both your part and your company’s.”

2) Practice Active Listening

If you have read any of my conflict-resolution blogs, you know that I am a big proponent of active listening. This is the practice of fully concentrating on what is being said. In an interview, as the interviewer, you want to really understand what the interviewee is trying to project in their answers to your questions so you can gather al possible information and make an informed choice. To help with this, be sure to ask open-ended questions, which allow the interviewee to express themselves and their thoughts in detail. “Silence can be an effective tool in such situations and can work to everybody’s advantage. Do not hustle the interviewee with the next question on your list but rather give him/her the opportunity and the time to think before he/she responds.” (Albawaba)

3) Consider using a behavioural technique of interviewing

Traditional interviews ask the candidate a series of questions about themselves. In addition to these, consider asking hypothetical, situational questions to get an idea of how the candidate reacts to stressful situations they might incur at the job. This will get you a better idea of the interviewers experience, skills, resourcefulness and willingness to learn

4) Be prepared for the interview

“More often than not, interviewers tend to commit the mistake of not being abreast of the job requirements and thus rely on their rudimentary gut feel to decide whether a candidate is suitable for the position or not. Do not fly by gut instinct alone; instead prepare your questions in advance and learn everything there is to learn about both the specific position (by taking the time to read through the job description thoroughly) and the candidate (by taking the time to review his/her resume) before the interview stage. “(Albawaba) Remember that while the interviewee is trying to impress you, you should also be trying to convince him that your company is a great place to work. Preparedness and knowledge about the position and the company will help you make a good impression to the interviewee.

Finding the right candidate for a job can be difficult. Use these tips and our recruiting service to help you find exactly what you’re looking for!


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