Thriving as a Woman in a Male-dominated Field
As the manufacturing, skilled trades, construction and tech fields continue to grow, demand for workers is in a steady increase. While these fields may traditionally be ale-dominated, more and more women are choosing careers in these highly rewarding fields.
On top of dealing with the same job-associated stresses males come across, women in these fields may face additional challenges. However, women are resilient and these obstacles are to be overcome!
At CCM, we want to see all employees reach their full potential, so here are some specific tips for women in male-dominated fields:
What can women do to stand out as indispensable?
According to Forbes, « don’t focus on being one of the few women in a field or an industry. Instead concentrate on consistently honing your “go to war work skills” to make yourself invaluable and an expert in your area or industry of choice. Do this by holding yourself to a standard of excellence and putting in the hours that make a difference in moving a business and your career forward. » Set goals and celebrate your success! You’re a rock star and everyone can see that when you work to your full potential.
Do not be afraid to speak up and share your pinion. In male-dominated fields especially, this can be intimidating. But, remember you’ve earned a seat at the table and your perspective could be what’s is needed to get whatever project is in discussion underway.
Demand respect with your body language. « Fake it 'til you make it » really does work. « Remember that status and authority are nonverbally demonstrated through height and space. You look more powerful when your stand (or sit) tall, when you pull your shoulders back and hold your head high, when you stand with feet about hip width apart, when you speak loudly enough to be heard, when you keep your gestures between your waist and your shoulders, and when you take up space by (instead of keeping your belongings in a neat little stack) spreading them out and claiming your turf. » (Forbes)
Be confident in your abilities, reach out and get to know your colleagues. « Use informal gatherings and industry events to make connections that may prove invaluable to projects and your career. By having strong contacts you bring new resources to your company, gain credibility, and build a powerful professional network. » (Forbes). While entering the field can initially be a lot to take in, as you grow into your role and meet more people who can vouch for your ability, you will see that you can and will thrive in a position you have passion for!
Believe in yourself and watch yourself thrive. In the words of Beyoncé, « Who run the world? Girls! »